The 2025 USA Forces Cornhole Championships will be held in the summer (July or August) of 2o25. Full details will be released in early 2025. Players will be allowed to buy directly into the event, however, there will be USA Forces Doubles Championship Qualifiers throughout the season and across the country. Here’s a schedule of upcoming qualifying tournaments.

Date Event Location Details Qualified Team
10/18/2024 ACL Open #2 Des Moines, IA LINK Travis Hagedorn / Tristen Sewell
11/01/2024 ACL Open #3 Little Rock, AR LINK Erik Verduzco / Jacob Daly
11/15/2024 ACL Open #4 Hamilton, OH LINK Jesse Henderson / Tom Covey
12/6/2024 ACL Open #5 Richmond, VA LINK Greg McNeese / Bill Kimbley
Fresh Scott / Ricky Jernigan
12/7/2024 Ranier Cornhole Olympia, WA LINK
1/3/2025 ACL Open #6 Myrtle Beach, SC LINK Jeff Cliff / Adrain Ballard
JD Schierenbeck / Alan Lee
1/17/2025 ACL Open #7 Biloxi, MS LINK Sidney Buik / Erik Verduczco
Glenn Faul / Brent Lavern
1/31/2025 ACL Open #8 New Mexico LINK Nathan Valencia / Jeffrey Shaffer
John Lambert / Isaiah Reyez
2/14/2025 ACL Open #9 Nevada LINK Owen Vega / Karessa Kerr
Jeffrey Shaffer / Nathan Valencia
3/7/2025 ACL Open #10 Louisiana LINK Sidney Buik / Erik Verduczco
Gaylon Meyer / Dallas Weems
3/21/2025 ACL Open #11 Michigan LINK
4/6/2025 ACL Signature #1 Florida Coming Soon
5/2/2025 ACL Signature #2 Arizona Coming Soon
5/16/2025 ACL Signature #3 Colorado Coming Soon
5/30/2025 ACL Signature #4 Texas Coming Soon
6/20/2025 ACL Signature #5 New York Coming Soon
7/4/2025 ACL Signature #6 Virginia Coming Soon